
Resources I Used!

Gooby's website is so cool, and they have so many cute resources (from their website, go to their sitemap, and from there you can go to resources!)

I found this through Gooby's website, but I thought I'd link the original website too!

Quick note, I found out that the music won't play if you put in Youtube links or mp3's, what I found worked was first downloading the music as an mp3, then putting it through Catbox, then putting that link into the Scm player website.

This site is made to edit your Spacehey layout, but some of the code snippets can be used in other websites too. This is where I got the code to make the floaties (gifs)

This website has so many tutorials for pretty much anything you can think of, in pretty much any coding language.

This is the website I used to make blinkies!

Another blinkies website

So, so many graphics

Just thought this site was cool (its really damn cool go check it out)

Where I got my font

Gifs galore

I-Brought-You-My-Bullets-You-Brought-Me-Your-Love-cover Mcr-revenge-album-cover Blackparadecover Danger-Days-album-2010